LADIES!: Why Sickness During Pregnancy, Check Out Reasons!

LADIES!: Why Sickness During Pregnancy, Check Out Reasons!

I am getting worried that my wife is always sick during pregnancy. Please what is your advice about her being pregnant again?
Abraham K

The decision for your wife to continue to give birth will be best addressed among the two of you but with proper information and counselling by a health worker.
Frequent pregnancy increases one vulnerability to sickness such as

1.Anaemia ( decrease blood level )
2.Weakness of the structures (ligaments ) that hold the uterus
3.Exacerbation of diseases such as Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus
5.Unhealthy children due to the fact, as your wife is breastfeeding with pregnancy at the same time, her attention is divided to warrant attending to her children.
The risk is more if
1.Pregnancies before the age of 18 years
2.Pregnancies after the age of 35 years
3.Pregnancies after 4th birth
4.Pregnancies less than two years apart
Family planning is the process of planning one’s family whereby the number of children to bear is chosen as well as the interval at which to have them is well planned based on informed choice. Family planning has a positive influence on Maternal and Child Health by reducing high risks pregnancies as mentioned above. You will benefit from a detailed and proper counselling on Family Planning.
My tummy is big?

I am a bit embarrassed whenever I go to the gym with my big tummy. How do I develop muscles in my abdomen as well as reduce the fat?

Kabir K
It is good to have an understanding about the available muscles that need to be developed, to reduce your tummy. Your midsection is made up of four muscle groups, the rectus abdominus, obliques, serratus, and intercostal muscles.

The rectus abdominus is the row of washbord-like muscles in the center of your midsection.  The rectus abdominus is the primary muscle you use when you are doing a sit-up or forward crunch. They pull your chest towards your pelvis.

There are several great exercises you can use to train your rectus abdominus. Certain exercises focus on the upper section of the muscle group and certain exercises focus on the lower section.

One of the best exercises for the upper section of the rectus abdominus is the forward crunch. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Bend your knees up and put both feet flat on the floor. Putting your legs in this position will flatten your lumbar curve and take all the pressure of your lower back.

Next raise your head and shoulders off the floor, pulling them towards your knees. Concentrate and focus on contracting the upper section of your rectus abdominus muscle. This is a short movement and you don’t want to come all the way up.

Through the entire exercise, your lower back should remain firmly on the floor. Most gyms also have several exercise machines that mimic the motion of the forward crunch and focus on those upper rectus abdominus muscles.

Leg Raises are a great exercise for the lower rectus abdominus. Leg raises can be done in a variety of positions including sitting, hanging or lying on your back. Most gyms have a leg raise chair or machine. If they don’t, lay on your back on the lying hamstring machine, tuck your feet under the leg pads and bring your knees up to your chest. This exercise can also be done on the floor or on a sit-up board without using weight.

Also work on your diet. A low fat calorie restricted diet will help to make your tummy flat.

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 4:18 AM and have 0 comments

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