VANITY UPON VANITY! Beauty Queen Dies During Plastic Surgery She Won In Competition

VANITY UPON VANITY! Beauty Queen Dies During Plastic Surgery She Won In Competition

This pretty beauty queen killed herself while having plastic surgery she won in a competition.

An Ecuadorian beauty queen, Catherin Cando Cornejo, who won the chance to undergo a plastic surgery in a competition, has died in the process of having a lipsuction, a procedure that was a prize for winning the 'Queen of Duran' beauty pageant.
According to New York Times, the young beauty queen thought her pageant prize of free plastic surgery was to die for, until it actually killed her, the girl’s family claims.
Cornejo, a gorgeous 19-year-old, won Queen of Duran pageant in Ecuador in October, 2014, but died on Saturday during an abdominal liposuction in Guayaquil.
The brunette stunner was admitted to a Guayaquil clinic at 8:23 am, hoping to slim one inch from her already small waist.
But nearly 10 hours later her family was notified she had died. They claim it was due to medical malpractice.
Her brother, Daniel Zavala Cornejo said:
"The doctor insisted on several occasions and convinced her to undergo surgery.
She was thinking about letting someone else have it as a freebie but eventually she agreed to have it just to get him off her back."
The beauty queen, who was also a student and a model, died of cerebral edema, or swelling of the brain, according to the family lawyer, Carlos Reyes.
"The clinic lawyer said the death was due to cardiac arrest but we have a copy of the autopsy and it turns out the cause was stated as cerebral edema; this is presumably due to problems with anesthesia."

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