INDEED THEY MUST BOW TO THIS BRE**T.... Maheeda, Afrocandy Must Bow To Abuja Babe's Breast Nudes

INDEED THEY MUST BOW TO THIS BRE**T.... Maheeda, Afrocandy Must Bow To Abuja Babe's Breast Nudes


or a while now, Maheeda has been the queen of Nigerian soft porn, with Afrocandy, one of the oldest in the game, failing to regain her number one position.
Truth is the average fan can describe Maheeda's now-familiar body to the most insignificant detail — thanks to her series of nude photos.
Both Maheeda and Afrocandy have inspired a thousand other wannabes who have invaded the social media with daring nudes and other sex filth.
Yesterday, Wha'anda came across one(@faithsexxy) who does not have the good looks of Maheeda but had bigger boobs than the infamous Goddess of X and Afrocandy combined.
And it looks as if the breasts are real too, unlike some folks we know.
This sex-goddess-wannabe has her own unique style, posting what one can call 'Breast Nudes’ which she tweets, sometime with equally sassy captions.
It's really hot on her timelline as this embedded tweet suggests.

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 9:42 AM and have 0 comments

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