Meet The Father Who Gets Pregnant & Gives Birth

Meet The Father Who Gets Pregnant & Gives Birth

A transgender couple are preparing to tell their children when they get get older that their father actually gave birth to them and the person that they call their mother is in fact their father.
Bianca and Nick Bowser are a happily married couple and live in Kentucky with their two young sons.

Nick, 27, was born a girl, called Nicole, but for the last seven years has lived as a man.

Bianca, 32, who is a drag artist, was born as a boy called Jason, and transitioned to live as a woman 11 years ago.
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 Bianca said:
'The kids currently have no idea. It's not like strangers ever guess in restaurants or at the shops.'I don't know when we will start to tell them,
maybe when Kai is around six, but they will need to be old enough to understand.
'It is important they know because it's a big secret to keep from your children and if they found out another way they could hold huge resentment.
'But I don't worry about how they will react. We will not treat it as a 'bad' thing. And young kids are accepting and non-judgemental.'
She adds: 'Being transsexual doesn't define who we are , just as being black or white or skinny or fat doesn't define you either.'

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